CRBW Offerings

Criminal Procedure (Standard)

  • Introductory Overview video by Harvard Professor Alexandra Natapoff
  • Sixteen (16) Criminal Procedure case videos created by Professor Natapoff
  • Full text PDF of each original Supreme Court case with annotations and guidance
  • Links to law review articles, newspaper articles, and/or other public resources relevant to each case
  • Discussion points for guided classroom conversation
  • 6 Bonus Guest Contributor videos by leading constitutional law scholars on a variety of topics

Voting Rights (Standard)

  • Introductory Overview video by Harvard Professor Guy-Uriel Charles
  • Seven (7) Voting Rights case videos created by leading voting rights scholars
  • Full text PDF of each original Supreme Court case with annotations and guidance provided by the contributing professor
  • Links to law review articles, newspaper articles, and/or other public resources relevant to each case
  • Discussion points for guided classroom conversation

Criminal Procedure (CHOICE)

  • ALL the materials in the Standard Criminal Procedure casebook PLUS individuated assessment tools:
  • Over 100 multiple choice questions (approximately 7 questions for each case video) to assess student comprehension and facilitate review
  • Instant feedback for students on multiple choice answers, providing scores and answer keys with explanations of correct and incorrect answers
  • Educators can access student score data to enable monitoring of individual and class progress
  • There is a $250 fee per semester for each class, regardless of the number of students in the class.  You will have the opportunity to purchase a license for your class after you register and review the casebook.
  • Multiple choice questions are available only for Criminal Procedure, not for Voting Rights.

Non-Profits & Scholarships

If you are an educator in a non-profit educational, advocacy, or governmental institution such as a community college, high school, library, prison program, public defender office, or voter education program, you may register directly for either of the Standard casebooks without charge.

Educators who would like to provide students with access to the CHOICE Criminal Procedure assessments but cannot afford the fee may request scholarship assistance by emailing with a description of your financial need. We will make every effort to provide you with scholarship access.

CRBW is always free for students. Fees are paid by educational institutions and/or individual educators. Individual students cannot register for a casebook or purchase the CHOICE curriculum; registration and/or purchase must be by an educator or institution.